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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Germ Free Classroom

The children learned how germs spread the first week of school.  Mrs. Montgomery got a handful of glitter and pretended to sneeze it on the children during group time.   The children saw that her germs would travel all the way to the back row during large group time.  We then put lotion on our hands (to make germs stick in our demonstration).  Mrs. Montgomery shook hands with one child and then had the children shake hands with their friends.  We discovered after shaking hands that almost everyone in our class would have caught the teacher's germs.  We learned how important it is to keep our hands washed.  We also practiced vampire sneezing and coughing into our elbow to keep germs from flying.

Oh, no.  Mrs. Montgomery's germs

Germs and vampire sneezing that we practiced

We all have germs on our hands

We all have germs on our hands

"I don't like germs."

Many germs on both hands.  Click on picture to see
how Mrs. Montgomery would have made Claire sick.

Don't sit in front of Mrs. Montgomery when she sneezes 
uncovered.  His hair was full of "germs."

Going to wash the germs off our hands.

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