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Friday, May 26, 2017

Learning about Fruits and Vegetables

The preschool received two nutrition grants this year.  The gardening grant allowed us to expand our container garden and explore different foods.  The children enjoyed watching a short video about Cool Puppy Pup and seeing how five different fruits and vegetables are grown and harvested.  Power Panther gave us another opportunity to learn about seven different colored fruits and vegetables.  The children really enjoyed learning about vegetables.  They often asked, "What do we get to taste next?"  These are pictures of some of the things we did on our "red" fruits and vegetables day.  We also planted some strawberries that we hope will be ready next year.

Making handprint strawberries

Cutting pictures of red fruits and vegetables from seed catalogs

Gluing the seed catalog pictures to our red Power Panther Print

Discussing which red fruits and vegetables they like best.

Drawing something they learned about red fruits/vegetables on the newsletters for their parents

Our favorite activity--Making smoothies with peaches and strawberries.  We had to use mixed berries because our local store didn't have any frozen strawberries.  We sent the recipe home with the students but if anyone wants a copy, contact Mrs. Montgomery.  The children said it was yummy.

It is "thumbs up" good

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