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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Table Time Activities

A portion of our day is spent doing small group activities (also called table time activities).  Today, we learned about the letter O.  We strung "o"s to remind us what the letter looks like. [LITERACY] At another table, we sculpted volcanoes (which we hope are dry enough to shoot off on Friday).  [SCIENCE, FINE MOTOR]  We also made a collage of different sizes of paper.  The children glued  small squares on their papers and then counted the squares on their collages to see which had the most and which had the least squares on them. [MATH]

Making Volcanoes--AM

PM Volcanoes

Stringing the letter "O" -- AM


Making a collage and counting number of squares used


Friday, January 19, 2018

We're Back!!!!!!

After several days of morning preschool being cancelled because of the cold and slick conditions, the children are back in class.  Most said they were happy to be back in school.  The weather was still a little too cold to go outside, so the morning children did an obstacle course in the classroom for indoor recess.  The afternoon children actually got to go outside today.